Julia Keutgen

Julia Keutgen

Julia Keutgen

Programme Manager, International IDEA

Julia Keutgen is a Programme Manager for the Supporting Team Europe Democracy project (STED) with the Regional Europe Programme in Brussels. Julia joined International IDEA in April 2022 and will be overseeing the STED project, which provides evidence on democracy and democracy support, and helps to establish a 'Team Europe Democracy' approach towards the Summit for Democracy. As such, she will be working closely with Democracy Assessment Programme, the Washington DC office, and also regional programmes. Julia previously worked as a Senior Transparency Advisor at the Westminster Foundation for Democracy advising on issues of openness, participation, civic technology and enhancing the role of civil society in public policy making and government oversight. Julia has over 15 years’ experience working on governance issues in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa and the MENA region, with long term in country support in Burundi and Morocco. She previously worked at the UNDP Brussels Liaison Office on inclusive political processes. Before that, she worked at the UNDP headquarters in New York on anti-corruption and rule of law providing policy advice and programme support to UNDP country offices. Her previous positions included advisor in the Cabinet of the Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation and governance programme officer at Enabel.

All Sessions by Julia Keutgen

Day 2 15 Sep 2023
11:15 - 12:15

Panel 'The future of the Summit for Democracy: insights from summit organisers'

European Committee of the Regions

What's next for the Summit for Democracy? This session provides an opportunity to engage with visionaries and leaders committed to shaping the future of democracy on a global scale. As the United States, host of the first two summits, and South Korea, the host of the eagerly anticipated third summit in 2024, come together, the session brings you a unique opportunity to gain unprecedented insights into the evolution of this critical global initiative. It will provide updates on the continued Summit for Democracy process, based on insights from both host countries and some key findings of an impact report prepared by International IDEA. Delve with us into the future of the Summit for democracy." With Julia Keutgen (International IDEA), Christina Droggitis (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, United States Department of State) and Kang Byongjo (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea). Moderated by Marilyn Neven (International IDEA).