Carnegie Europe was founded in 2007 and has become the go-to source for European foreign policy analysis in Brussels on topics ranging from Turkey to the Middle East and the Eastern neighbourhood to security and defence. Carnegie Europe’s strong team of scholars provides unparalleled depth of analysis and thoughtful, carefully crafted policy recommendations on the strategic issues facing the European Union and its member states.

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is an independent, grant-making organisation, established in 2013 by the European Union (EU) and EU member states as an autonomous International Trust Fund to foster democracy in the European Neighbourhood (Eastern Partnership – EaP – and Middle East and North Africa – MENA), the Western Balkans, Turkey and beyond.
EED supports civil society organisations, pro-democracy movements, civic and political activists, and independent media platforms and journalists working towards a pluralistic, democratic political system.

The European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) serves as an umbrella network and information hub on topics related to democracy and development cooperation. As such, it provides its members a joint platform to engage into a coordinated dialogue with EU institutions, CSOs and other relevant stakeholders. ENoP brings together 46 political foundations from 19 European countries, active in Europe and with over 130 local offices in partner countries. Although independent in nature, each of the ENoP members is affiliated with one of six political groups represented in the European Parliament (ECR, EPP, Greens/EFA, The Left in the European Parliament, S&D, Renew Europe). This broad spectrum of affiliation reflects the political diversity of the European democratic landscape and gives ENoP a unique approach.

The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) is a not-for-profit organisation bringing together 19 organisations specialising in the different parts of a democratic system. EPD works in over 100 countries worldwide because we recognise that democracy is a universal aspiration and that the contemporary challenges and opportunities for democracy are global in scope.

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organisation with a mission to support sustainable democracy worldwide. Our mission: We advance democracy worldwide, as a universal human aspiration and an enabler of sustainable development, through support to the building, strengthening and safeguarding of democratic political institutions and processes at all levels. International IDEA produces comparative knowledge in its key areas of expertise: electoral processes, constitution-building, and political participation and representation, as well as on democracy as it relates to gender and conflict and security. International IDEA brings this knowledge to national and local actors who are working for democratic reform, and facilitates dialogue in support of democratic change.